Do you have any plans for the new year? Personally, we’re still trying to work off the pounds we picked up between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but we also have a few bigger fish to fry. Come May, we are going to have to cross quite a few borders and log many hours on foreign roads, and we think we could use a little practice. What better way to get a feel for the road than a little test run down to Mexico?
Tomorrow Grant and I are setting off on a mini-adventure to the Baja Peninsula in Mexico. The peninsula is a popular destination for overlanders and adventure enthusiasts alike. Known for whale watching, fishing, and relaxation of all varieties, the scenery and the beaches alone are a good enough reason to drive across the continent. But that’s not the only reason we are going. A vacation to warmer weather certainly is nice, but the practical side of our trip is far more important. It’s already 2014 and the summer is on the horizon, so BrazilDrive is headed to Mexico to prepare for the World Cup.
Like the real trip in the spring, we will be passing through Laredo, Texas as we head into Central America. The first real test is the border crossing. Most people agree that the further south you get, the more relaxed the borders, so naturally the US-Mexico border is the most heavily guarded. Borders are going to be stressful no matter what country you’re in, but we’re hoping to get some practice under our belt before the real deal. We’ve done the paperwork and made photocopies, so we’re hoping for a painless transition, but I’d rather experience any issues now, before missing World Cup games is on the line.
Driving to Baja is going to test more than border crossings. Driving long hours, cooking along the route, sleeping in our newly crafted sleeping platform, and updating the website are all areas we are hoping to work out. So far all of these things work on paper, but we need to try them out in the field before we take on Brazil. Keep an eye on the site in the days to come, as we’ll be posting pictures and updates from the trip!
SO – did you see whales? Get stopped on the border? Could Grant remember enough Espanol to manuver the checkpoints and – more importantly – order beer at the tiendas? Curious people want to know…
Yes to all of the above. Pictures are already up on our Flickr and the first post about the trip will be up this weekend!